
Kent Crisps secure partnership with Elite Pubs

We are delighted to have secured an ongoing partnership with Elite Pubs, a dynamic collection of 14 pubs, bars and restaurants across Kent and East Sussex. A selection of Kent Crisp’s most popular flavours including Sea Salt, Ashmore Cheese and Onion and Ham and Mustard will now be available to buy at all Elite Pub继续阅读


Kent Crisps scoops Gold at The Taste of Kent Awards 2024

Kent Crisps picked up a Gold Award for their Lamb and Rosemary Crisps at the prestigious Taste of Kent Awards 2024. The award ceremony brought together Kent’s vibrant food and drink industry under one roof to celebrate the very best food and drink producers that Kent has to offer. Organised by Produced In Kent, the继续阅读


我们非常高兴能够获奖 1 我们的牡蛎和醋在美味奖中获得明星奖 2023!! 蚝醋绝对是很多人的最爱, 向惠茨特布尔著名的牡蛎致敬; 尝起来像肯特海边. 与肯特海岸有着明显的联系, 该包还具有继续阅读


对环境的承诺. 在肯特薯片, 我们对可持续发展充满热情,并继续致力于通过监测我们的碳足迹来改善我们对环境的影响, 与当地生产商合作, 将食物里程和食物浪费降至最低并鼓励回收. 我们的土豆 我们的手煮薯片是使用英国红拖拉机认证的土豆生产的继续阅读


我们很高兴向大家介绍 Emma Bowey, 我们最新的团队成员, 作为业务发展经理. Emma 热爱社交,渴望将 Kent Crisps 提升到新的高度! Emma 将促进和支持我们现有的关系,同时推动新市场的发展. 她带来了丰富的销售专业知识,并将有助于实施继续阅读

Kent Crisps 足球套装


从土豆根到草根再到足球零食荣耀我们很高兴与足球运动员分享我们的‘梦幻风味联赛’七星阵容, 来自全县的球迷和球队, 为他们提供终极的半时或全时零食. 跟随我们的七位定制梦幻球员穿越东南部支持足球继续阅读