East Kent Colleges Groupと協力してまったく新しい学生プロジェクトを立ち上げることができて大変うれしく思います, ドーバーキャンパス.
先月、レベルに会った 3 美術, デザイン & ドーバーキャンパスのコミュニケーション学生, 特別版について説明するため, クリスマスをテーマにしたケントクリスプパケット!

私たちのルーツに忠実であり続ける, they’ll be picking a flavour partner and iconic Kent location ready to be judged by us and their tutor, as part of their Diploma course.
Laura Bounds MBE spoke to the students about growing up in Kent, her career to date and all about the Kent Crisps brand. The students asked her some insightful questions, particularly around her journey as a female entrepreneur.
For us, it’s really important to give back to our local community and inspire local students, particularly to follow a non-traditional career path and the options available.
We’ll be back to judge the project in December, so keep your eyes open.